Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Proud to be an American

A week ago, America gained one more citizen, as my husband Mimmo, a native of Umbria, Italy, became a naturalized American citizen.

I wanted to share this exciting news from our family with all of you. It was fascinating to watch the process one goes through to become American. First, you have to pass a oral 100-question test that covers American history, civics, and system of governance. Ironically, there were quite a few questions that I didn't even know the answer to! I am proud to say, however, that Mimmo scored a perfect 100%.

This is a photo of Mimmo when he took the oath.

It was touching to see someone who wants so much to be part of America, pledge an oath of allegiance. It was a perfect example of what makes this country so great- ethnic diversity that brings a rich variety of cultures to our community, adding another layer to the complex and fascinating thing that is the American identity.

Congratulations Mimmo!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your husband on becoming a US citizen. My mom, a native Korean, became one years ago and it was a very happy day for us all. So I can imagine how you feel.

    I also want to take this opportunity to mention how much I love the new lines you are introducing this month. I've got my eyes on Neoclassique and I ordered the brownie pan as a gift.

    Jeanette :)
