Last weekend, I took my girls to see Up, the gorgeous new Pixar film that just came out. We laughed and laughed and adored the movie. Halfway through the film, the adorable, chubby boy scout named Russell talks about going out to ice cream with his dad after a scout meeting. He describes the flavors they'd get, and the special curb they'd sit on as they ate it. Then Russell says, "It may seem boring to you, but I really liked that curb."
I loved that the movie took the time to focus on the beauty inherent in sitting on the edge of the sidewalk eating ice cream. I think Russell even says something like, "It's the everyday things that mean the most in the end" and I believe that is so true.
There is so much value in small things like staying at home and making an evening of it by preparing a meal together, playing a simple game of cards or taking a walk in the neighborhood and capping the night by snuggling up on the couch and watching a great movie. When we take the time to enjoy these kinds of moments, we learn that we can in fact find joy in the textures of our everyday lives. Evenings like these cost little and mean much. Enjoy what you have in your own backyard. Enjoy the wonderful array of gifts right in front of your eyes. You'll be amazed at how far it goes in making you feel closer and more connected to your partner and/or your children.
I can't emphasize this phenomenon enough: When we truly take a moment to look around us and become conscious of all the wonderful things we have right at our fingertips, that elusive feeling of contentment magically alights on our shoulders.
This related quote about the topic really resonates with me:
"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in."
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