We at Rosanna have once again been moved by all of the entries in our Annual Table Setting Contest. From touching to inspiring and traditional to inventive, this years winners have exuded the spirit and soul that our company is rooted in. Thank you to all who participated. We can't wait to see your entries next year!
This years Grand Prize Winner is Lexi Scamehorn of University Place, WA.
Lexi, Your creative spirit is truly evident in your inventive interpretation of Rococo Noir. We love your use of dramatic lighting and gothic elements to create a Tim Burtonesque tea party. We love the fact that you and your friends gather together to celebrate the holidays. What lucky friends you have to be invited to a soiree so evocative and entertaining. Congratulations!
Lexi's Story -
This table setting was almost accidental in the way it occurred. I have a good friend who is a photographer and one afternoon for fun my friends and I decided to do a tim burton inspired photo shoot. Lace, black lipstick, and dark Victorian styles abounded that day in mid July where creepily and perfectly enough we went outside at my beach house to find low sitting fog rolling in across the Puget Sound in a scene that looked like it was straight out of Pirates of the Caribbean. One of the idea's we had for a setting for this photo shoot was a sort of take on a mad tea party. I had brought my black rosanna dinner plates, my rococo noir tea pot, cream and sugar and small cake plate, my Kings Road tea pot, and my victoriana noir appetizer plates. I had also fished out my great grandma's silver tea service that is perfectly antiqued and even had dust and cobwebs on the spout of the tea pot. Scattered about with her old silverware, and finished with an old candelabra with black candles, a vase with black roses, and a spiderweb table cloth I found all in my stash of halloween decor, we had ourselves a tea party fit for Burton himself. I thought to myself I wonder if Tim would ever enter Rosanna's contest, and if so, would his table look similar to this one? I had read a RosannaInc facebook status one day that said Burton had just purchased a copy of Coming Home in London and I could just picture him creating a setting similar to this one. My friends and I had so much fun pretending to serve each other tea and eat strawberries that it felt like I was 7 years old again playing dress up and having a "tea party" with my friends. Except the difference is that back then we had small, not as pretty plastic dishes, and now I have beautiful grown-up things that I can play with (and I am trusted to touch the beautiful family heirloom pieces!)** I forgot to mention in my entry that in my tight knit group of friends, we always make a point of trying to celebrate the holidays together, even if we can't actually meet on the real day because of our family celebrations. I am the friend in the group who is designated for Halloween, which is perfect for me being a theatre major in college and a dress-up nut. Last year I had to use halloween paper plates, this year, you can bet my table will look much more similar to this one!! SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY
Our 2nd Place Winner is Jessica James of Shalimar, FL.
Jessica, What a lovely combination of old and new. We love the connection you made with your grandmother and mother in the use of your grandmother's dinnerware paired with Rosannaware.
The ball jars are nostalgic and a truly american addition to this bright sunny table setting.
Seeing your table makes us feel like we are being invited to partake in the lovely hospitality that is the heart of the Southern culture. Thank you for inviting us to your table!
Jessica's Story -
My name is Jessica James and I have a love for being a homemaker that was instilled in me by my sweet southern mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Along with those deep southern roots the women of my family tree have passed down many heirlooms that fill our home with history - each one with a special story and meaning that helps our family's past take shape in the present. From hand-stitched quilts to knitted baby booties they're all special to me but the items that center around family meals, the heart and soul of a good southern family, are infinitely precious to me. On my wedding day my grandmother passed on a special dinner plate that my great-grandmother had passed down at her bridal shower almost 55 years prior. Attached to the plate was a handwritten note encouraging me to discover the joy of caring for my newly forming family. During our first five years of marriage and with two beautiful children of my own I can say that I have found that joy!
My table-setting was inspired by the southern hospitality I saw extended on so many occasions from each generation of my family. From weeknight family dinners to large holiday gatherings the focus was always on making others feel welcome, cared for and catered to. I combined my Comfort Food collection dinnerware with my everyday white-ware to create a casual and warm setting that would be beautiful for a Fall dinner. The green linen tablecloth belonged to my grandmother and the silver flatware was a wedding gift from my mother. As a centerpiece for my table I used my favorite Decor Bon Bon square cake pedestal topped with a pitcher filled with fresh flowers. What made the table-setting so special and unique to our family was the black and white photos used in the decor - pulled from three generations of family archives. My four year old daughter, Madelyn, helped me set the table under the gazebo in our backyard and I plan to recreate this table setting for our family Thanksgiving dinner this year.
3rd Place goes to Julie Gallagher.
Julie, What girl wouldn't want to be a guest at your 'Sex & The City' Afternoon Tea.
We love the New York vibe of the table setting. Your use of color with black shows how important black is as a color statement in table design.
Glamour, fashion and girlfriends are celebrated in your special afternoon tea. We all need a little get away and this tea party is certainly one designed to connect with friends and enjoy being a girl. Congratulations!
Julie's Story -
Here is a take on a Sex & The City inspired Afternoon Tea Party in bright bold graphic stripes and hot pink (instead of the traditional pastel shades). You will see the ever-so-glam black rococo cake stands and the Bon Voyage Cake Plates - perfectly highlighting the shopping capitals of the world! A previewing of the movie sequel was a good excuse for the girls to get-together.MEETING IN A FIELD
Honorable Mention goes to Chris McCall-Hammer of Woodinville, WA.
Your table is a lovely testament to the work you do and to the people you have cared for. The table has a woodsy Northwest feel in the way you styled it. We feel your poignant message about caring and connectivity with people. Thank you for creating an inviting and peaceful environment for coming together! Congratulations!
Chris's Story -
My inspiration for the Rosanna Tablesetting Contest this year was "Meeting in a Field," based on my experience as a hospice volunteer.
There were two ladies--one old, one young. The older lady, Lilli, was full of life and loved to dance. When she was younger, she would dance and her husband would watch. He decided to surprise her by learning to dance. After he learned how to they spent the rest of their lives dancing with one another.
The younger lady, McKayla, was in a plane accident and became paralyzed as a result. When she was in high school, her soccer team went to state competitions and won. She loved this sport and running. She lived in an adult family home for thirty years prior to her passing.
My name is Chris and I had the good fortune to meet and spend time with these two ladies. I was able to spend the last moments with McKayla and she passed very peacefully. The next day I was informed that Lilli had passed away at the same time the day prior. I wanted to dedicate this tablesetting to them. One came dancing, one came running. That is how I would like to think of these two meeting and sharing conversations over their experiences. Hospice has had a profound impact on me. It has introduced me to many wonderful people, and meeting these two ladies have touched my life more than words can express.
I learned about this tablesetting contest through my daughter, Tiffany Hammer, who won the Spirit of Rosanna Award last year. This year, I wanted to submit my own entry to honor Lilli and McKayla. I used an assortment of Rosanna-ware that I purchased at the warehouse sale mixed with accessories and flatware from my mother. I used my coffee table and pillows outside to create this setting.
