Here are some ideas about how to make the most of the halcyon days between holidays:
-Spontaneously invite friends over for drinks, dinner, or Christmas cookies. Keep these gatherings simple. Don’t worry too much about the food. It’s all about spending time with friends and staying cozy. Everyone has so many Christmas dishes and holiday treats still floating around, it’s easy to cobble together a meal or a festive get together from holiday odds and ends.
-Spend time with your family. Play games, go see a movie together (there are lots of fantastic, big-budget holiday productions of all genres in theaters now) or rent a movie and stay in. These family activities can be as simple or elaborate as you want to make them, thanks to the little extra slack that comes at this time of year.
-Cultivate quiet. Everyone talks about peace this time of year; make some for yourself! Light candles, take a bath, make tea, or curl up with a new book you received as a gift this year. Take stock of this past year, and think about the things you want to bring into your life in the new year.
The peace, silence, and stillness of late December is something to cherish. Extend hospitality, spent time, express gratitude, bring light, and have a very happy holiday.

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