The end of summer can be a rude awakening. Parents and children return from their vacation reluctantly, sporting golden tans developed over the course of a long, carefree summer, resigned to the fact that it's time to reenter the world of responsibility and adhere to the structured schedules of school and work. No matter that this happens every year, the abrupt change in season never fails to prompt a cascade of shoulder shrugs. As much as I enjoy fall after it arrives, I squeeze summer to the last drop.
Lovely and bright sunflowers at a farmer's market in Oregon. |
To prolong the feeling of summer for as long as possible, I have a few tips: First, practice denial. Instead of spending the last days before school starts anxious about the fast-approaching end of the holiday, I simply pretend I have much more time before my girls begin school again than I actually do. Denial can be a beautiful thing. The older I get, the more I see how a little innocent suspension of reality can be a wonderful way to suspend happiness. Second, make sure you don't overschedule yourselves or your children. Be in the moment and make the most of it!
My family's end-of-summer retreat, our home on the Oregon coast. |
The end of summer still affords small windows of opportunity to take mini-breaks or day trips with your family. If you can, try to schedule some special time to visit a favorite place that will give you that last hit of summer. These mini-vacations renew the spirit and help us keep our families united before the mad dash on fall activities, and they create memories of well-being for us to draw upon during the hectic months ahead. For our last shot of summer, my family goes to the Oregon coast. We pick wild blackberries, stroll through the antique malls and farmer's markets, and make delicious meals from local, fresh ingredients (I like to use the
Farmer's Market Collection to serve meals like these in). It's a lovely way to end the summer and begin the fall with grace and ease.
Some of the many fresh offerings at a local farmer's market in Oregon. |
Farmer's Market collection, $22 - $56. Available at |
Remember, summer doesn't officially end until September 22nd. Enjoy every moment you have left!
That is a lovely post and I shall try and keep a better mindset and hold onto summer just a little longer too.